On behalf of the American Wild Horse Campaign, two wildlife sanctuaries, and several individuals, we obtained a major legal victory today invalidating the Bureau of Land Management’s (“BLM”) Adoption Incentive Program, which pays taxpayer dollars to incentivize the adoption of federally protected wild horses by private individuals. Investigations (including by the New York Times) have shown that BLM’s adoption program has resulted in hundreds of wild horses being sold into slaughter by their adopters, meaning that these adopters are not only pocketing $1,000 per horse in taxpayer dollars but then also obtaining the proceeds of private sales that lead to the slaughter of these animals in a manner that is prohibited by federal law. The ruling by the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado found that BLM’s adoption program violates the Administrative Procedure Act and the National Environmental Policy Act in various ways. More information can be found in this press release.
*image courtesy of AWHC