Historic Settlement to Restore, Enhance, and Improve the Poudre River in Colorado

Yesterday, we signed a settlement agreement on behalf of Colorado-based conservation organization Save The Poudre, which requires the developer of the Northern Integrated Supply Project to invest $100,000,000 in projects and measures to restore, enhance, and improve the quality of the Poudre River in and near Fort Collins, Colorado. More information can be found in Save The Poudre’s press release. This hard-fought settlement ends a more than 20-year battle by Save The Poudre with respect to this project (including the dismissal of the federal Clean Water Act and National Environmental Policy Act lawsuit our firm brought on behalf of the organization in early 2024). This historic settlement is one of the largest river conservation settlements in U.S. history for a river of this size.

(*image courtesy of Save The Poudre)